Star Trek klingon K'Tinga Class Battlecruiser

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Star Trek klingon K'Tinga Class Battlecruiser
HD Wallpaper: 1920x1200

Description: Star Trek klingon K'Tinga Class Battlecruiser Wallpaper. Download Free HD High Resolution Star Trek Wallpapers, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures For Desktop, PC, Windows, MAC, Mobiles, Android, Iphones and Tablets.

As every empire and species in Star Trek have their Flag ships and battle cruiser, the Klingon Empire boasts of their K’Tinga Class battle cruiser. This ship is a primary class warbird used by the Klingon Imperial Fleet during the late 23rd century and by the Klingon Defense Force starting mid 24th century.

The battle cruiser class is considered to be the most advanced and versatile ship of the Klingons. In design, it is patterned from the D5 class from over a hundred years ago as well as the D7. Its aft section holds the bulk of its overall mass. It has a bridge module, a caudal section that holds the impulse engines. In the port and starboard of the ship’s aft section, one could locate the warp nacelles that accelerate the ship to warp 5.

The K’Tinga class has several weapons onboard including phasers, disruptors, photon torpedo launchers, and concussive charges with the torpedo launchers positioned in different areas of the ship. There is an added torpedo tube and aft to the torpedo launcher. The disruptor emitters were additional weapons to serve as upgrade and back-up for the old torpedoes.

The defense system is composed of a cloaking device that also went to several upgrades and could although not completely block gamma rays. It also has a propulsion system. It also has a cryogenic technology that can put the crew into a cryogenic sleep for a very long time best for long voyages.

Star Trek Art created by artist Alex Lima on Deviantart ( This artwork was posted with permission of the artist. You can use the image as a desktop background for the computer monitor, table, iPhone or notebook. Please don't redistribute the image without permission of the author!

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