Fan Art Terok Nor Space Station Wallpaper

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Fan Art Trek Terok Nor Space Station
HD Resolution: 2560x1600

Description: Download Star Trek Terok Nor Space Station, Hd, Wallpaper, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures For Desktop, PC, Windows, MAC, Mobiles, Android, Iphones and Tablets.

The television series of the fictitious story of Star Trek was based on Terok Nor or the Deep Space Nine with the series bearing the same name.

The base is used for the mission to explore the Gamma Quadrant through the Bajoran wormhole, thus the base is run by a crew of mixed Starfleet and Bajoran officers. The USS Defiant as well as the Starfleet runabouts uses the base as docking port.

This base measures to over a kilometer in diameter, weighing 10.1 million metric tons with a broad outer docking ring and an inner habitat ring which holds the residences. The central core of the base contains the promenade, the fusion reactors, and the operations center (OPS).

The base is located at the mouth of the Bajoran wormhole and could be reached in about three to five hours from Bajor by shuttle. The docking ring projects a spherical shape due to the three sets of docking pylons that sweep up and down equidistantly around it.

The promenade is the center of the activities of inhabitants wherein a bar is located. Holosuites, infirmary, replimat, a Bajoran temple, clothing shop, Odo’s office, a restaurant, mineral assay office, and a candy kiosk is found in the promenade. Deep Space Nine normally holds 300 permanent residents at a time but it can hold up to 7,000 residents. It is armed with 48 rotary-mounted phaser arrays, 36 stationary-mounted phasers, 3 slide-mounted phasers, 48 torpedo launchers, and 5,000 photon torpedoes. The base is defended using a deflector shield.

Render and Postwork by artist Alex Lima under the username Zodi (

This Star Trek artwork was posted with permission of the artist. You can use the image as a desktop background for the computer monitor, table, iPhone or notebook. Please don't redistribute the image without permission of the author!

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