Star Trek USS Relativity NCV 474439 Wallpaper

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Star Trek USS Relativity NCV 474439 Wallpaper
HD Wallpaper: 1920x1080

Description: Star Trek USS Relativity NCV 474439 Wallpaper. Download Free HD High Resolution Star Trek Wallpapers, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures For Desktop, PC, Windows, MAC, Mobiles, Android, Iphones and Tablets.

During the 29th century, the USS Relativity or NCV-474439-G served with the Starfleet. The USS Relativity was a Federation Wells-class timeship that was built at the University of Copernicus. It was commanded by Captain Braxton. The USS Relativity was endowed with powerful sensors. These sensors have the ablity to scan through spacetime. The USS Relativity also has a temporal transporter that can beam anyone to any point in space and time.

One of the missions in which the USS Relativity took part was a mission to keep the USS Voyager from being destroyed. The aforementioned ship was destroyed in 2375 by a temporal disruptor. In order to keep this from happening, both Seven of Nine and Captain Kathryn Janeway were hired from this time period. 

They were supposed to find out who was responsible and to arrest them. It was found out that the person responsible for the USS Voyager's destruction was a future version of Captain Braxton. It turned out that he blamed the Voyager crew because he was eventually forced to retire.

Once this information was revealed, Captain Braxton's first officer, Lieutenant Ducane over. He was able to successfully finish the mission to keep the Voyager from destruction.

On the USS Relativity's dedication plaque, you can read the following quote from E.M. Rauch: "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen all at once."

Star Trek Art created by artist Alex Lima on Deviantart ( This artwork was posted with permission of the artist. You can use the image as a desktop background for the computer monitor, table, iPhone or notebook. Please don't redistribute the image without permission of the author!

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