Star Trek Jupter Station Wallpaper

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Star Trek Jupter Station Wallpaper
HD Wallpaper: 1920x1200

Description: Star Trek Jupter Station Wallpaper. Download Free HD High Resolution Star Trek Wallpapers, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures For Desktop, PC, Windows, MAC, Mobiles, Android, Iphones and Tablets.

The Jupiter Station played a crucial role as a Federation space station in the orbit of Jupiter from the 22nd to 24th centuries.

The facility was built to provide repair and maintenance for Starfleet vessels, but it also served as a supply stop for cargo ships.

The cargo vessel Fortunate made a stopover at Jupiter Station in 2151, before it began an eight-month mission. The same year saw Captain Jonathan Archer take the Enterprise NX-01 to the facility to have the most technologically advanced phase cannons installed. Lieutenant Malcolm Reed and Commander Charles Tucker completed the project in just two days, helping build up the defense system of the Enterprise.

Also in 2151, the Jupiter Station became the training site of the Military Assault Command Operations (MACO). By 2152, a specialized training system developed by MACO Major J. Hayes and his team was in place. The training exercise required trainees to hit as many holographic targets as they can in 10 seconds using a particle rifle. MACO Corporal J. McKenzie, as part of a six-week tour, also learned how to handle zero-gravity conditions at Jupiter Station.

By 2155, the facility was the farthest colony in the Sol System constructed by the United Earth government.

The 24th century was also a historic one for Jupiter Station. The facility had its first female commanding officer during the 2370s. And in the 2360s, it became home to Dr. Lewis Zimmerman's Holographic Image and Programming Center. It is at this center that Dr. Zimmerman came up with the Emergency Medical Hologram program.

As of the 24th century, the Jupiter Station had three-saucer section hulls (two sets). From its bottom extended a series of sensors and antennae.

Star Trek Art created by artist Alex Lima on Deviantart ( This artwork was posted with permission of the artist. You can use the image as a desktop background for the computer monitor, table, iPhone or notebook. Please don't redistribute the image without permission of the author!

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