Star Trek Ezri Dax Wallpaper

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Star Trek Ezri Dax Wallpaper
HD Resolution: 1600x900

Description: Download Star Trek Ezri Dax, Hd, Wallpaper, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures For Desktop, PC, Windows, MAC, Mobiles, Android, Iphones and Tablets. 

One of the prominent and mysterious characters in the Star Trek series is Ezri Dax. Actress Nicole de Boer played this role in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Ezri Dax appeared in the series when Terry Farrell decided to leave the show. Farrell was Jadzia Dax and the character was killed by Dukat.

Dax is a Trill species from New Sydney. They are affiliated with the Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets. Ezri Dax started out as an Ensign for the fleet and became a Lieutenant junior grade later.

She appeared on the first episode of season seven. She was decided not to join with a Trill symbiont as she was assigned in USS Destiny. However, when Jadzia Dax was killed, only Ezri was available to become Dax’s host and save her. She became Dax’s ninth host and was assigned in Deep Space Nine.

The union had its difficulties and advantages. Ezri Dax was easily promoted because she still had the memories of Dax’s previous hosts. She was a counselor in DS9. The problem was Jadzia was married to Lt. Commander Worf. Because Ezri hosts Dax, she had a brief relationship with Worf as well, brought by the memories of Jadzia.

At the end of the series however, Ezri started having some kind of relationship with Dr. Julian Bashir, this from her own emotions and not from memories.

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