Star Trek USS Seeker NX-76091 Wallpaper

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Star Trek USS Seeker NX-76091 Wallpaper
HD Wallpaper: 1920x1200

Description: Star Trek USS Seeker NX-76091 Wallpaper. Download Free HD High Resolution Star Trek Wallpapers, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures For Desktop, PC, Windows, MAC, Mobiles, Android, Iphones and Tablets.

Star Trek films and series had not only been known because of the different species or characters that had appeared on the screen. One of the many beautiful things about each production is the starships and vessels that they use in travelling and in battles. Being the prominent characters and the protagonists in Star Trek, the Federation bears the most number of vessels from star ships to small runabouts and shuttles. This includes the USS Seeker which is a Federation Starfleet starship used in the 24th century.

The Seeker as it is commonly called is bigger than the USS Copeland. It has been present and active in circa 2358 during the Starfleet’s mission related to an Orion cartel that operates in several outer Federation planets. In the episode Survivors in The Next Generation, the USS Seeker was used by Chief of Security Venton Scoggins to drive the Orions out of their hiding. It was during this mission that his assistant Darryl Adin injured his back when Scoggins failed to get him.

The starship also has the saucer-like shape center and warp nacelles attached on each side like wings. It has an upper deck or hull where the name USS Seeker is inscribed. They are made from the same materials that other Federation Starships are made from and possess the basic defense power and armaments as well.

Star Trek Art created by artist Alex Lima on Deviantart ( This artwork was posted with permission of the artist. You can use the image as a desktop background for the computer monitor, table, iPhone or notebook. Please don't redistribute the image without permission of the author!

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