Star Trek Delta Flyer Class Wallpaper

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Star Trek Delta Flyer Class Wallpaper
HD Wallpaper: 2560x1440

Description: Star Trek Delta Flyer Class. Download Free HD High Resolution Star Trek Wallpapers, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures For Desktop, PC, Windows, MAC, Mobiles, Android, Iphones and Tablets.

In 2375, the crew of the USS Voyager assigned in the Delta Quadrants designed and constructed a shuttlecraft called the Delta Flyer. Being in exploratory missions without guarantees, the crew built the shuttle to withstand other types of environment that a regular shuttle could not survive, thus the Delta Flyer is also bigger than others.

The crew responsible for the shuttle includes B脱lanna Torres, Tom Paris, Tuyok, Harry Kim, and Seven of Nine. They combined several features of the Starfleet and the Borg ship technology to come up with the Delta Flyer.

The hull of the shuttle is streamlined with tetraburnium alloy and parametric plating. It has retractable warp nacelles and unimatrix shield power. Its power system is adopted from Bog technology and includes photonic missiles. With several options and considerations for designing the fight control, the Delta Flyer was constructed with several command stations instead of just two pilot stations.

Version two of the Delta Flyer featured the same retractable warp nacelles as the first version but with retractable impulse thrusters that increased the vehicle speed. This shuttle is also able to operate under water. For defense, it used phasers and photon torpedoes with the first version using photonic missiles and the second version utilizing pulse phased weapon.

The shuttles were later on modified to enable it to use immersive shielding and unimatrix shielding systems.

Star Trek desktop wallpaper created by deviant artist Alex Lima under the username Zodi (

This Star Trek artwork was posted with permission of the artist. You can use the image as a desktop background for the computer monitor, table, iPhone or notebook. Please don't redistribute the image without permission of the author!

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Hoje | 27, Marçoç 2025