Star Trek Borg Cubes And USS Voyager

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Star Trek Borg Cubes And USS Voyager NCC-74656.
HD Wallpaper: 2500x1402

Description: Star Trek Borg Cubes And USS Voyager NCC-74656. Download Free HD High Resolution Star Trek Wallpapers, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures For Desktop, PC, Windows, MAC, Mobiles, Android, Iphones and Tablets.

Are you a Star Trek fanatic since you were a little kid? Well, many people are, so there is no need to hide your love for the film. Instead, say it out loud that you are a huge fan! The Star Trek series has been patronized by millions of people all around the globe because of its interesting plot, amazing characters and super cool warships and weapons that you could only imagine. One of the most widely known vessels in the movie is the Borg Cube.

The Borg Cube was the main vessel used by the Borg Collective and the first officially publicized Federation contact with one of these vessels transpired in 2365 when a USS Enterprise-D had an encounter with a single cube in System J-25. Civilian researchers on board the USS Raven had tracked a Borg cube a decade earlier in 2353.

Heavy losses resulted when a Starfleet had an encounter with a single cube. As a matter of fact, 39 out of 40 ships were lost at the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2366. A single Borg cube could eliminate all the elements of civilization from an entire planet. Amazed with the Borg cube? Most probably, you are.

With all the fascination about the Borg cube, you must be wishing to have something that will remind you of it. Well, your prayers are answered because you can now have you very own Borg cube! Download free Star Trek Borg Cube and USS Voyager wallpaper for your desktop screen!

Star Trek desktop wallpaper created by deviant artist Alex Lima under the username Zodi (

This Star Trek artwork was posted with permission of the artist. You can use the image as a desktop background for the computer monitor, table, iPhone or notebook. Please don't redistribute the image without permission of the author!

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