Star Trek SS Botany Bay Wallpaper

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Star Trek SS Botany Bay Wallpaper
HD Resolution: 1920x1200

Description: Download Star Trek SS Botany Bay, Hd, Wallpaper, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures For Desktop, PC, Windows, MAC, Mobiles, Android, Iphones and Tablets.

The SS Botany Bay was named after an Australian penal colony and is a nuclear powered spacecraft of the DY 100 class. In 1996, refugees of a Eugenic War led by Khan Noonien Singh converted the SS Botany Bay to a sleeper ship. After their defeat with Earth in the Eugenic War, Khan and his troops sough for another place to conquer.

Khan and his troops used the SS Botany Bay after they escaped from defeat by non-augments. They are genetically enhanced humans and referred to as augments. Khan and his 84 troops were set in cryogenic freeze. While in deep space, about 10 of the animation life support failed.

Along with Khan, Around 30 females and 42 males survived the cryogenic journey through deep space. For over two centuries, the SS Botany Bay drifted in space until it was discovered by the Enterprise in 2267.

The enterprise crew revived khan and his followers to save a historical figure. Captain Kirk revived Khan first and opted to keep the rest in stasis until the Enterprise reach star base 12. But Khan refused control and he secretly slipped to the SS Botany Bay and revived his followers and urged them to begin an insurgency.

Kahn seized control of the Enterprise and attempted to commandeer the star ship. Captain Kirk regained control of the enterprise. Khan and his followers were sent to exile in Celti Alpha V.

Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper created by Alex Lima.

This Star Trek artwork was posted with permission of the artist. You can use the image as a desktop background for the computer monitor, table, iPhone or notebook. Please don't redistribute the image without permission of the author!

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