Star Trek First Contact Wallpaper

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Star Trek First Contact Wallpaper
HD Resolution: 1920x1080

Description: Download Star Trek First Contact, Hd, Wallpaper, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures For Desktop, PC, Windows, MAC, Mobiles, Android, Iphones and Tablets.

Paramount Pictures released the 1996 American film Star Trek: First Contact which is a franchise from the Star Trek original. It is the eighth franchise based on the 1960s Star Trek Television series but does not feature the original cast, instead the stars were from the Star Trek: Next generation series. The film centres on the journey of the USS Enterprise E crew from the 24th century to the 21st century in order to save the future by changing the timeline.

The film starts with Captain Jean-Luc Picard awakening from a nightmare wherein he relieved his assimilation by the cybernetic Borg six years back. The film starts in the 24th century. Captain Picard was forbidden to interfere between the battle of a Borg Cube and a Federation ship. But seeing that the Federation was about to lose, the captain took control and was able to defeat the Borg Cube by targeting its weakness.

However, the cube was able to send a small part of it towards Earth. The newly commissioned Enterprise-E flew after it but instead entered a distorted time created by the Borg. The Enterprise E went back to the 21st century. Now their only way to save Earth would be to change the future by helping Zefram Cochrane make his first faster-than-light travel to the stars.

First Contact made 92 million dollars in the United States alone and 57.4 million dollars outside the country making a total of 146 million dollars all over the world. It is considered as one of the best Star Trek films that made the highest gross during the opening week.

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