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Star Trek Captains Desktop Wallpaper

Star Trek Captains Desktop Wallpaper
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Description: Download Star Trek Captains, Hd, Wallpaper, Images, Backgrounds, Photos and Pictures For Desktop, PC, Windows, MAC, Mobiles, Android, Iphones and Tablets.

One of the well-known and highly respected hybrids in Star Trek is Commander Spock. He is half Human and half Vulcan born in 2230 to his father Sarek and his mother Amanda Grayson. His father was a diplomat who worked as a scientist while his mother is a school teacher. He grew up with an older brother named Sybok.

Spock suffered Vulcan criticism as a child because he is half human. Even Sarek seemed differenIn real time, Captain is a title given to a military rank. This title was also used in Star Trek to refer to a vessel or ship commander. In the Navy, a captain is above a commander while in the infantry, he is above the first lieutenant and under the majors and is called the colonel. The Cardassians refer to their captain as Gul while the Ferengi alliances call them DaiMon.

The Starfleet has several starship captains or commanding officer but a rank lower than the captain may still be addressed as thus given that they are commanding the ship on the captain’s deck. Being a Starfleet captain means being light years away from the planet Earth and this requires the ability to function autonomously in making independent and responsible decisions according to the rules of the Federation and for the lives of the crew as well as all the members of the Federation.

Some of the most notable captains of the Starfleet include Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise and USS Enterprise A, Captain Jean-Luc Picard of USS Enterprise D and E, Captain Jonathan Archer of Enterprise NX-01, Captain Benjamin Sisko of DS9 and USS Defiant, and Captain Kathryn Janeway of the USS Voyager. Another notable captain of the Starfleet seen in the alternate reality established in 2233 is Captain Christopher Pike of the USS Enterprise.

If you just love these captains and the whole crew of the Starfleet vessels, do not forget to checkout and download Star Trek Captains - Captain James T. Kirk, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Captain Benjamin Sisko, Captain Kathryn Janeway and Captain Jonathan Archer wallpaper and place them on your desktop. about his son only being half Vulcan. His bloodline caused other children to bully him.

It was also during his childhood that he was betrothed to another Vulcan named T’Pring as part of their tradition for marrying. It was because of the bullying that even at an early age of seven Spock went on to the kahs-wan maturity trial in the wilderness even without the knowledge of his family. In an alternate reality he was killed as a child but in the real world, he survived the ordeal with the help of his pet and his older cousin Selek.

Being a well-known scientist, it was only logical for Sarek to impart his knowledge to Spock so that he may also become a scientist. Seeking to gain approval from the Vulcans in his teenage years, Spock decided to disobey his father’s wish and joined the Starfleet instead. It was the main reason why he and his father did not speak to each other for 18 years.

As a hybrid, Spock was physically more a Vulcan since he has green blood, superior strength, greater lifespan, and telepathic abilities. He tried every way possible in order to repress his human emotions which is more evident in different instances even during his tenure as a Starfleet officer during the 23rd century.

Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper created by Alex Lima.

This Star Trek artwork was posted with permission of the artist. You can use the image as a desktop background for the computer monitor, table, iPhone or notebook. Please don't redistribute the image without permission of the author!