Enterprise NCC1707-D Vs Romulan Kerchan Class

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Star Trek Enterprise NCC1707D Attacking Romulan kerchan Class
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For die-hard Star Trek fans, there are few things more exciting than the Star Trek Enterprise NCC1707D attacking a Romulan kerchan class. The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D or Enterprise-D is a 24th century starship in the fictional Star Trek universe. It is also the main setting for the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series.

The Enterprise-D is a Galaxy-class ship. It is the fifth Federation starship in the Star Trek universe to bear the Enterprise name. You can also see the Enterprise-D in the first episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as well as the final episode of Star Trek: Enterprise series.

The Enterprise-D will be last seen during Star Trek Generations. Sadly, its stardrive section will be lost due to a warp core breach. Meanwhile, the saucer section will crash on the surface of the Veridian III.

The Enterprise-D was designed by Andrew Probert, who helped in revamping the original Enterprise for Star Trek: The Motion Picture. He drew a what-if sketch of the Enterprise-D and hung it on his wall after working on the Motion Picture.

The sketch drew the notice of story editor David Gerrold. Gerrold then gave the sketch to Star Trek Creator Gene Roddenberry, who gave the go-ahead for the Enterprise-D to be designed starting from the sketch.

Two filming miniatures consisting of a six-foot model and a two-foot model were built by an Industrial Light & Magic team supervised by Ease Owyeung for the Star Trek: The Next Generation pilot entitled Encounter at Farpoint. These models were then used for the show’s first two seasons. During the third season, model-maker Greg Jein built a new four foot miniature. This one had an additional layer of surface plating detail.

In contrast, the Romulan kerchan class is a battleship that was commissioned in 2396 and continues to be built. It carries Adis, Kerchan, Neral, Tedrin and Zerix units and can fit an extra 55 ships. Its length is 937 meters. Its beam measures 478 meters while its height is 233 meters.

The Romulan kerchan class has 68 decks. It is green and curved. Romulan kerchan class’ crew consists of 1,100 troops and officers. It has an evacuation limit of 8,000. The Romulan kerchan class is armed with 4 heavy pulse disruptor cannons with a total output of 92,000 Tera Watts. It has 16 plasma torpedo tubes which contain 1,600 torpedoes.

For defense, the Romulan kerchan class has a standard shield system with a total output of 3,945,000 TeraJouls. The hull of the Romulan kerchan class is made of heavy duranium. It also has a titanium double hull with an additional 12.8 centimeters of high density armor.

This enables the Romulan kerchan class to have a high structural intensity field. In terms of propulsion, the Romulan kerchan class has a normal cruise speed of Warp 8.8. Its maximum cruise is Warp 11.8 while its maximum speed is Warp 15.1 for six hours.

Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper created by Hameed.

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